Support F5Bot

F5Bot is a completely free service, but you can help support us with a small monthly donation. Even a few dollars a month helps!


If you want to get higher daily alert limits (daily limit of 1,000 hits per keyword instead of 50) and the ability to monitor common keywords, and access to an RSS alert feed, you can subscribe here.

Donation Methods

If you would like your company to support F5Bot, I can also send an invoice. Just send me an email and let me know.

Donate with Paypal.

Donate Bitcoin to:

Donate other Crypto to:


If you have a business or service that F5Bot users might find useful, please consider sponsoring F5Bot by placing a small text ad in the alert emails. F5Bot sends over 20,000 emails every day, so advertising with F5Bot can be a great way to reach new customers.

Text ads can be purchased for $175/month or $455/quarter. Please email me for more information, and we can get your ad going right away.

You can see and support our current advertisers here.