My name is Lewis Van Winkle. To get in touch, just email me at or hit reply to any F5Bot alert email.
F5Bot is a service developed by Lewis Van Winkle and provided by Silo 9 Inc. F5Bot was first released in 2017, and has been stable and free ever since then. I greatly appreciate any feedback, good or bad! If you have any ideas, just get in touch and let me know.
If you have a business or service that F5Bot users might find useful, please consider sponsoring F5Bot by placing a small text ad in the alert emails. F5Bot sends over 20,000 emails every day, so advertising with F5Bot can be a great way to reach new customers.
Text ads can be purchased for $175/month or $455/quarter. Please email me for more information, and I can get your ad going right away.
You can see and support our current advertisers here.
I try very hard to keep F5Bot free. If you find F5Bot useful, please consider upgrading to a paid account or donating to help support it.
Special thanks to our current supporters:
Luke Rehmann,
Nlevel Analytics, and
By the way, if you like F5Bot, you might want to check out my blog Codeplea or my open-source projects on Github.
Best Regards,
Lewis Van Winkle
Silo 9 Inc.